Spring 2025 Office Hours

Boskovic, Aleksandar
Office Hours:
by appointment
1228 IAB
[email protected]

Caes, Christopher
Office Hours
: by appointment
[email protected]

Davis, Robert
Office Hours:
by appointment
309 IAB
[email protected]

Debnam, William
Office Hours: Monday, 10:30 - 11:30
814 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Dynes, Ofer
Office Hours:
by appointment
718 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Foley, William
Office Hours:
Wednesday, 4:00 - 5:00
810 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Garbarini, Myles
Office Hours: Thursday, 10:00 - 12:00
806 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Grineva, Marina
Office Hours
: Tuesday, 12:00 - 1:00
701 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Harwood, Chris W.
Office Hours:
by appoinyment
704 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Hooyman, Ben
Office Hours: b
y appointment 
803 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Izmirlieva, Valentina 
Office Hours:
by appointment
1227 IAB
[email protected]

Knapp, Liza
Office Hours: Thursday, 11:00 - 12:00
714 Hamilton Hall
[email protected] 

Krasilnikova, Tatiana
Office Hours:
Monday, 10:00 - 12:00
806 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Landman, Meredith

Program in Linguistics
Office Hours
: by appointment 
718 Watson Hall
[email protected]

Leeds, Adam
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Office Hours:
by appointment
715 Hamilton Hall 
[email protected]

Lipovetsky, Mark
Office Hours: Thursday, 2:00 - 4:00
712 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

McWhorter, John H.
Program in Linguistics
Office Hours
: by appointment
719 Watson Hall
[email protected]

Merrill, Jessica
Office Hours: Monday, 3:00 - 5:00
706 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Mikhailova, Tatiana
Office Hours:
Monday, 12:00 - 1:00; or by appointment
712 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Payne, Uma
Office Hours:
Wednesday, 10:30 - 11:15, or by appointment
[email protected]

Pekov, Alex
Office Hours:
Monday, 2:15 - 3:45; Wednesday, 6:10 - 8:05, or by appointment
715 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Perlin, Ross
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 3:00 - 4:00
807 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Reyfman, Irina
Director of Graduate Studies

Office Hours: Tuesday, 4:00 - 5:00, Thursday, 12:00 - 1:00
711 Hamilton Hall
[email protected] 

Senatorova, Liza
Office Hours: Wednesday, 12:00 and by appointment
804 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Shevchuk, Yuri 
Office Hours:
Monday and Wednesday, 2:30 - 3:30, and by appointment
1232 IAB
[email protected]

Tsylina, Marina
Director of the Russian Language Program

Office Hours: Wednesday, 1:00 - 2:00
701 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]

Wright, John
Office Hours
: by appointment
708 Hamilton Hall
[email protected]